Essential Tips for Legionnaires Prevention in Cooling Towers

Legionella Bacteria It is common for the cooling towers to get contaminated with the Legionella bacteria at some or other point in time. Though you can’t prevent the entry of organisms in the cooling towers, an effective water treatment program can help in reducing the risk of Legionella and also make sure safe operations and longer system life of the cooling tower. It is important to follow the Legionella Regulations for Legionnaires prevention . Good maintenance of the cooling towers is necessary for keeping Legionella at bay. Cooling towers are a concern as they contain warm water which is the perfect place for the Legionella bacteria to breed if the towers are not cleaned properly. Thus, it is the responsibility of the owner to manage the risk. Here’s a look at the risks and how to prevent them: 1. The quality of source water The water usually comes from municipal or well supply but can come from a holding tank as well which ...